Extend the frequency of RF test equipment from 6 GHz to 20 GHz. RF systems such as satellite, Wi-Fi, UWB, and radar often need to bring modulated signals up to carrier frequency before transmitting and after receiving. TMYTEK, maker of BBox has introduced its UD Module (UDM) up/down converter, which operates from 6 GHz to […]
IMS 2023 roundup: test equipment
Test equipment plays a major role in product development and production, which was apparent at IMS 2023. In the photos and videos below, you’ll get a taste of test developments at RF, mmWave, and sub-THz frequencies. This year, D-band (110 GHz to 170 GHz) seized a larger portion of the exhibit hall than in past […]
SoC generates RF test signals and analyzes results
The Apollo MxFE software-defined signal processing SoC from Analog Devices digitizes and generates analog signals with DSP in between. Applications cover aerospace & defense, instrumentation, and wireless communications. Digitizing high-speed signals, processing them, and creating responses typically requires separate ADCs, DACs, and DSPs or FPGAs. The Apollo MxFE system-on-chip (SoC) combines signal capture, creation, and […]
EE World’s 2023 T&M Handbook is now available
For 2023, the digital version features 11 technical articles that cover test from signal integrity on the bench to automated test on the production floor.
EE World’s 2023 communications handbook is here
Our 2023 5G, Wired, & Wireless Handbook is now available in ebook form. Download your copy today. It started on a cold January day with an editorial call. A month later, the abstracts came in. After another month, the manuscripts came in. Then came the editing and some back-and-forth with the authors. Next, it was…
Functional tester covers bench, production, and service applications
The midUTS from Bloomy contains a multimeter, data-acquisition, switching, and power supplies for testing boards and systems. Automating tests — whether for bench testing new designs, in production, or for service — increases productivity but comes at a price. If you’re going to build an automated test system all yourself, expect to specify the instrumentation, […]
Water-cooled probe injects disturbances onto power rails
The P2124 from Picotest let’s you inject modulation signals onto your board’s power rails for noise immunity testing.
I’ve got the measurement blues again
Back from a three-year hiatus, I’m covering test and measurement again. This time, it’s for EE World.
Software tests PCIe 6.0 on high-end oscilloscope
Teledyne LeCroy has released a beta version of software for automating serial-data analysis on PAM4 signals. Engineers can request a copy. By using PAM4 modulation, PCIe 6.0 doubles data rates to 64 GT/sec (256 Gb/sec when using an x16 configuration). The “secret sauce” in the doubling comes from PAM4, which puts four voltage levels in […]
Calibrators ease the DMM workload
The 5560A from Fluke Calibration lets you calibrate DMMs to 6½. Other models handle fewer digits.