As one of the most used test equipment, modern oscilloscopes have evolved to provide more capabilities and features that allow engineers and designers to save precious time in designing and debugging processes. Oscilloscope manufacturers nowadays have integrated this famous device with time saving technologies such as large displays, fast update rates, function generators, mixed signal […]
Oscilloscope Descriptions
The oscilloscope’s vertical system and controls
A basic oscilloscope is comprised of four systems — the display, trigger, horizontal and vertical system. Each of these systems contributes to the ability of the oscilloscope to reconstruct a signal accurately. Thus, understanding each system will help users effectively use the oscilloscope in facing specific measurement challenges. The vertical setting of an oscilloscope is […]
How to achieve accurate oscilloscope measurements?
The oscilloscope is one of the most important test equipment devices that engineers use almost everyday. There are times, however, when the measurements taken using this device are not as useful or accurate as they might otherwise be. Thus, it is important to take some simple precautions to ensure that the measurements taken are useful […]
DPO offers new dimension to oscilloscope architecture
The digital phosphor oscilloscope (DPO) provides oscilloscope architecture a whole new approach. This architecture allows a DPO to deliver innovative display and acquisition capabilities to accurately reconstruct signals. Unlike a digital storage oscilloscope (DSO), which employs a serial-processing architecture to capture, analyze and display signals, a DPO uses a parallel-processing architecture to capture, display and […]
Basic concept of an oscilloscope
The oscilloscope is one of the most famous and used items of test equipment, as it allows signal voltages to be displayed on a screen in a two dimensional format. This enables test and design engineers to understand the operation of a circuit while viewing the waveforms on the screen. Thus, the scope offers far […]
Digital Storage Oscilloscope
A digital storage oscilloscope, also known as a DSO, is an electronic device that is capable of storing a digital copy of the measured waveform. Using analog-to-digital converters to digitize and sample measured voltages, a digital storage oscilloscope stores the results in its memory, which it process further using digital signal processing techniques. An oscilloscope […]
Advantages of USB Oscilloscopes
A USB oscilloscope is a type of digital oscilloscope that is linked via a hardware device through the USB to a PC. Utilized to take measurements of electrical impulses, the oscilloscope creates a graph that represents how much impulses vary over a specific period of time. It provides information regarding the actual frequency of signal, […]
PC-based oscilloscope
A PCO or a PC-based oscilloscope is a form of an oscilloscope based on a special printed circuit board that could be an ISA card, a USB or a Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) card. In this setting, a personal computer supplies the control interface, the display, network capability, hard disk capacity and the actual power […]
Analog Oscilloscope
An oscilloscope is a device used to measure voltage against time in an electronic instrument. Generally used for various applications, oscilloscopes are especially utilized in testing the circuitry of new electronic equipment, the voltage and working condition of an electronic device or the new software of an electronic instrument. There are several types of oscilloscopes: […]