For 2023, the digital version features 11 technical articles that cover test from signal integrity on the bench to automated test on the production floor.
Meters & Testers
What is de-embedding and how do I perform it (part 1)?
It’s a tenet of the test-and-measurement industry that you should concentrate on looking for defects in your device under test (DUT) — not in your test equipment. Figure 1 illustrates a common problem. An instrument presents an incorrect reading; in this case, an LRC meter or multimeter presents a resistance reading that’s about 5% low. […]
Functional tester covers bench, production, and service applications
The midUTS from Bloomy contains a multimeter, data-acquisition, switching, and power supplies for testing boards and systems. Automating tests — whether for bench testing new designs, in production, or for service — increases productivity but comes at a price. If you’re going to build an automated test system all yourself, expect to specify the instrumentation, […]
I’ve got the measurement blues again
Back from a three-year hiatus, I’m covering test and measurement again. This time, it’s for EE World.
Calibrators ease the DMM workload
The 5560A from Fluke Calibration lets you calibrate DMMs to 6½. Other models handle fewer digits.
Multi-instrument tester includes eight programmable benchtop instruments for common test procedures
The ABI Multiple Instrument Station MIS4 Test Station is an all-in-one testing tool that combines in a compact case all commonly required test instruments in one compact and programmable hardware module. Controlled by ABI’s sophisticated SYSTEM 8 Ultimate PC software with a simple yet programmable operator interface, the MIS4 combines eight laboratory instruments: a three-channel […]
What’s a ring tester and why do you need one?
If you one day find yourself with a transformer that might or might not have a shorted winding, your first inclination for verifying your suspicions might be to find an inductance meter. The problem with powering up an inductance meter for this situation is that the inductance of a transformer containing a shorted turn might […]
MTI Instruments wins coveted Leap award
MTI Instruments, Albany, N.Y., has won a siliver medal in the 2022 Leap Awards competition. The LEAP Awards celebrates the most innovative and forward-thinking products serving the design engineering space. MTI won in the test and measurement category, for test and measurement equipment as typically used by design and development engineers engaged in product design […]
How to screw up a capacitance measurement
Consider the task of performing a capacitance test using an LCR meter or a good multimeter such as the Fluke 287 True RMS Multimeter. If the capacitor under test is an electrolytic or film-based device, the main measurement concern is often just ensuring the capacitor is not under power or doesn’t have a stored charge–electrolytics […]
Things to know about multimeters
For years, ohmmeters have been integrated into the electrician’s multimeter. This is convenient, because ohms and volt are the most-performed measurements. Also, only a single instrument must be purchased and maintained. Multimeters are further subdivided into ac, bench-type multimeters and hand-held, battery-powered multimeters. The hand-held instruments are more convenient. Most often just grab your handheld […]