Submitted by: Cornell University Press Office Edited by: John R. Gyorki, Editor in Chief Putting a spin on it: Physicists measure current-induced torque in nonvolatile magnetic memory devices. Tomorrow’s nonvolatile computer memory devices that retain stored information even when not powered will profoundly change electronics. Cornell University researchers have discovered a new way of measuring […]
Digital Oscilloscope
LeCroy’s WaveRunner 6000A Series oscilloscope
LeCroy ( has released its latest collection of WaveRunner oscilloscopes, the WaveRunner 6000A series. Offering a state-of-the-art signal capture technology and the easiest user interface in its class, this 350-MHz to two-GHz oscilloscope sets a whole new standard of performance in bench oscilloscope. Powered by SiGe chipset, this two-Mpts oscilloscope offers the lowest residual jitter, […]
Agilent’s DSO5054A 5000 Series Oscilloscope
Agilent ( has provided the benefits of proprietary MegaZoom III technology in a compact benchtop package — DSO5054A series oscilloscope blends impressive update rates and deep memory with remarkably fast sample rates conveniently avoiding trade-offs commonly associated with bench oscilloscopes. This four-channel 500 MHz scope provides outstanding performance with its deep eight Mpts acquisition memory […]
Pico releases PicoScope 9211A TDR/TDT sampling oscilloscope
Pico Technology Ltd. ( has released its latest instrument engineered for time-domain transmissometry (TDT) and time-domain reflectometry (TDR). The PicoScope 9211A TDR/TDT sampling oscilloscope offers an affordable method of analyzing connectors, cables, IC packages and circuit boards. Using two programmable, 100-HP rise time step generators, the scope stimulates the equipment under test. To build up […]
Tektronix unveils new probes for midrange oscilloscopes
Tektronix ( has announced that it has included two new high-performing passive probes as accessories for its DSO/MSO5000B and DSO/MSO4000B midrange oscilloscopes. The company’s TPP0850 probes, which are available at $750, deliver a bandwidth of 800 MHz compared to the 500 MHz bandwidth provided by other passive probes. These new passive probes can be utilized […]
MSOX3054A Oscilloscope offers 4 Analog and 16 Digital Channels
Agilent ( has released its InfiniiVision MSOX3054A oscilloscope, which offers the benefits of four instruments in one package. It provides the capability of an oscilloscope, logic timing analyzer, and has a built in 20-MHz function generator, and a hardware-based protocol analyzer. The scope’s breakthrough technology offers superior performance and optional features that are not provided […]
LeCroy’s Disk Drive Analyzers
LeCroy ( has released its Disk Drive Analysis (DDA) Series oscilloscopes, which enable engineers to view, capture and analyze complex, high-speed, waveform signals with integrity and speed. The company’s X-Stream architecture integrates a specialized high-speed streaming bus design and SiGe “digitizer on a chip” technology to allow easy transfer of data from the ADC to […]
Yokogawa’s DL850 ScopeCorder
The Yokogawa DL850 is the next generation of the company’s family of ScopeCorders: versatile instruments that combine the benefits of a high speed oscilloscope and those of a traditional data acquisition recorder in a single, portable instrument. The DL850 ScopeCorder is an ideal tool for measuring physical and electrical parameters in application sectors such as the automotive industry, mechatronics, […]
LeCroy introduces WaveMaster 8000A Series oscilloscope
LeCroy ( has proudly announced the release of its WaveMaster 8000A Series oscilloscope, which provides a unique combination of fast sampling speeds, long memory capture and high bandwidth, suitable for communications and digital systems. Designed with patented X-Stream technology, the series offers 10-100 times faster processing system and data transfer than conventional oscilloscopes. The series […]
Tektronix TDS1000B Oscilloscope Series
Tektronix ( has announced the launch of its TDS1000B Oscilloscope Series, which provides a compact design and affordable performance. Designed with a bandwidth of up to 100 MHz and a maximum sample rate of 1 GS/s, no other digital storage oscilloscope in its class can offer the same price offered by Tektronix. The scope delivers […]