B&K Precision Corporation’s Hand-Held 2510 Series oscilloscopes with current probes permit accurate display of current without cutting open the circuit. The clamp-on probes are user-friendly and capable of handling a large amount of current.
VIDEO: Using the Rigol Current Probe
The Rigol Model DS2102 oscilloscope is used to demonstrate the Rigol RP1003C Current Probe, which is capable of measuring up to 50 amps peak current, non-continuous.
VIDEO: Rigol Demo Board Used As Signal Source for BK Precision 2516 Hand-Held Oscilloscope
The Rigol Demo Board receives its power from and conveys a variety of waveforms to the BK 2516 portable oscilloscope. Waveforms can be displayed, recorded, measured, and saved. The BK 2516 instrument has full-scale Math functionality including Fast Fourier Transform capability.
VIDEO: Rigol Demoboard Connected to Rigol 2000 Series Oscilloscope
Twenty-five waveforms are available in the Rigol Demo Board. A sinewave varying in frequency is displayed in the Rigol DS2102 oscilloscope in the time domain and in the frequency domain.
VIDEO: Waveforms From Tektronix to Rigol
The Tektronix MDO3104 AFG output is displayed in a Rigol DS2102 oscilloscope.
VIDEO: A Tour of the Rigol DS2102 Oscilloscope
Using the onscreen Help function, each of the front-panel buttons is pressed in order to access the various modes of the Rigol DS2102 oscilloscope.
VIDEO: Memory Functions in the Fluke 190-502 ScopeMeter
An examination of Memory functions and Recall procedures in the Fluke 190-502 ScopeMeter.
VIDEO: Scope, Meter and Record Functions in the Fluke 190-502 ScopeMeter
An overview of the Fluke 190-502 ScopeMeter, including an examination of Scope, Meter and Record functions.
VIDEO: Displaying Probe Compensation Square Waves in Two OscilloscopesVideo
Two hand-held, battery-powered oscilloscopes, the Tektronix THS 3024 and the Fluke 190-502 ScopeMeter, are capable of displaying square-wave probe compensation signals.
VIDEO: Phase Angle as displayed in a Tektronix THS3024 Oscilloscope
Two utility sine waves, one the inverse of the other, are displayed in Channels One and Two of a Tektronix THS3024 Oscilloscope and the phase angle is displayed, using the Readings facility.