Two incompatible definitions of noise factor can lead to confusion, which you can alleviate by understanding where the differences lie.
In part 3 of this series, we discussed an equivalent noise temperature TE and corresponding noise factor FSTD as defined in an IEEE standard. Then we described how to convert from one to another. Given TE, where T0 equals the reference temperature 290 K, find FSTD as follows:
And given FSTD, find TE as follows:
So if we know either spec — we find it on a datasheet, for example — we can easily obtain the other.
We also described an alternative noise factor FSNR that equals the input signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) divided by the output SNR. Can we convert between FSNR and FSTD?
No. As we discussed last time, FSTD can apply to a single-port device such as a noise source or a signal generator. The latter will generate noise along with the desired signal at its output, and we can use a spectrum analyzer to measure the SNR at the output, but there is no input SNR with which to compare it.
Last time we described extending the noise-temperature concept from a one-port network to a two-port network. Can’t we do something similar here to try to relate FSTD and TSNR?
Let’s take a look at Figure 1. We have a DUT with an equivalent noise temperature TE and a signal generator with its own equivalent noise temperature — we’ll call it TS, where the subscript stands for source.
We know from Equation 10 in part 2 of this series that the noise added by a component equals its equivalent noise temperature times Boltzmann’s constant (k = 1.38×10-23 J/K) times the measurement bandwidth (B). Therefore, we can model our signal-generator output as a pure sine wave SIN plus a noise power level NIN = TSkB. Similarly, we can model our DUT as an ideal amplifier with gain G and a noise level TSkB added at the input, producing an output signal SOUT and noise level NOUT. We can now calculate SNRIN, the SNR at the input to the DUT:
Noting that the DUT will amplify the input signal and noise plus its own input-referred noise by G, we can compute the output SNR:
Now we can write the equation for FSNR in terms of noise temperatures:
This equation looks similar to Equation 1 above for FSTD, which repeats Equation 7 from part 3.
They do look similar but on closer inspection, it’s clear that they are only equivalent when TE equals absolute zero or when TS = T0 = 290 K. Figure 2 shows how FSTD varies from FSNR for various values of TS not equaling 290 K. The blue line shows FSNR. The upper and lower red lines show FSTD for TS equaling 270 K and 310 K, respectively, and error rates are only about ±5%. However, the error reaches nearly 20% for TS equaling 390 K and exceeds 40% for TS equaling 190 K (orange lines).
So where does this leave us — which version of noise factor should we use?
Good question. The FSNR version is intuitive and gives us a quantitative result, but it doesn’t apply to one-port networks. The article “Noise Figure One and Two, Friis and IEEE” provides an in depth analysis of your question. One possible takeaway? Use the SNR version for two-port devices and use the equivalent noise temperature for one-port devices, immediately converting TSTD to TE, using Equation 1, whenever you come across it.
We haven’t talked about noise figure here in part 4.
Right. Just to review, given either version of noise factor F, we can calculate noise figure NF in dB as follows:
Where can I learn more about making noise-figure measurements?
See the “For further reading” list below as well as the related EE World content.
For further reading
Noise Figure Measurement Methods (Anritsu)
What is Noise Figure? (Copper Mountain Technologies)
The Essential Noise Figure Measurement Guide – Measuring Noise Figure with Signal Analyzers – Part 1 (Keysight)
The Y Factor Technique for Noise Figure Measurements (Rohde & Schwarz)
Noise Figure: Overview of Noise Measurement Methods (Tektronix)
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