The trapezoid-shaped 25-pin array inside the rectangular connector was a familiar sight a few years back, in an age when computers were connected primarily by means of the RS-232 bus. This old protocol seems rather clunky today alongside sleek new USB schemes with their many user benefits. However, RS-232 is far from obsolete. It is […]
Analyzing the Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) bus
A serial bus can be more efficient than the traditional parallel bus. But there are challenges in representing and making sense of the serial data flow in the context of clock timing. These difficulties can be resolved by using the multi-channel capabilities of advanced oscilloscopes such as the Tektronix Series 3000 instruments. The key to […]
Basics of working with I2C buses
Back in olden days, parallel buses were used to link electronic building blocks. Today serial buses have largely replaced them. There are numerous components for many applications that have standard serial interfaces, and this trend makes serial technology a good choice for design engineers. Because there are fewer signal lines, serial bus electronics take up […]