Pickering Interfaces announced its next-generation single-slot PXIe embedded controller (model 43-920-002) – the most compact and powerful 3U one-slot embedded controller available for the PXI Express platform. Debuting at electronica, the world’s leading trade fair for the electronics industry, the new module builds on Pickering’s existing controller offering. Pickering’s model 43-920-001, its first PXI embedded controller, was the […]
15 W PXI programmable resistor modules simulate sensors
These modules let you perform HIL testing for industrial, automotive, medial and other products.
21-slot PXI chassis features 20 hybrid slots
The 42-927 PXI chassis from Pickering Interfaces saves test-rack space by accepting up to 20 PXI or PXIe instruments and switch cards. No matter how many instruments they hold, large, automated test systems always take up too much floor space. While test racks may have increased in density since the PXI bus was introduced in […]
IMS 2023 roundup: test equipment
Test equipment plays a major role in product development and production, which was apparent at IMS 2023. In the photos and videos below, you’ll get a taste of test developments at RF, mmWave, and sub-THz frequencies. This year, D-band (110 GHz to 170 GHz) seized a larger portion of the exhibit hall than in past […]
How modularity benefits test systems
By understanding the key issues at every phase of the product lifecycle, engineers can make decisions that result in flexible, reliable, and scalable test systems. Taking a modular approach to test system development can accelerate development and mitigate risk throughout the entire product lifecycle. When it comes to designing and building automated test systems, today’s […]
PXI 18-slot chassis offers double the PXISA cooling spec/slot, more backplane power
The model 42-926-001 18-slot PXIe chassis offers Gen2 performance, is higher spec’d than competing models, with double the PXISA cooling spec per slot and more power to the backplane, and is available on shorter lead-times at a lower cost. The model 42-926 high-performance PXIe chassis provides one PXIe system slot, one PXIe timing slot and […]
PXI/PXIe multiplexer module optimized for MIL-STD-1553 testing
A new PXI/PXIe multiplexer module is optimized for MIL-STD-1553 testing applications. With a differential bandwidth of 450 MHz—far exceeding the requirements of MIL-STD-1553—the model 40/42-739 is available in single or dual 4:1, 8:1 or 16:1 differential configurations. Using telecommunications-grade electromechanical relays, the 40/42-739 multiplexer has a minimal initial signal path resistance of less than 450 […]
General-purpose PXI matrix features 70-MHz bandwidth, high switching capacity
Available in 16×8, two-pole, or high-density 32×8, two-pole switching configurations, PXI matrix modules offer bandwidths ranging from 35 MHz to 70 MHz depending upon path selected and a VSWR less than 1.5:1 to 85 MHz. The modules are in two-slot PXI (model 40-588) or PXIe (model 42-588) formats and are constructed using telecommunication-grade electromechanical relays […]
PXI switching modules handle heavy ac and dc loads
A new high-power relay PXI module provides the industry’s highest switching capacity in the smallest footprint for a solution based on electromechanical relays. Occupying a compact single PXI slot form factor, the model 40-166 is available with SPST, SPDT or SP4T switching configurations. It uses power relays suitable for switching loads up to 20 A […]
PXI matrix switch module hosts up to 9,216 crosspoints
The 1-A 40-562B BRIC12 PXI modules can hold up to 18 matrix daughtercards with up to 3,168 crosspoints. The 0.5-A 40-558 BRIC12 modules can also hold up to 18 matrix daughtercards, offering up to 9,216 crosspoints, making it the industry’s highest capacity PXI matrix switch module. Like previously available two, four and eight-slot versions, the […]