Oscilloscopes with more than two channels present humans with a common problem: none of us have enough hands to hold more than two oscilloscope probes in place. This is especially an issue when using an 8-channel oscilloscope such as the new PicoScope 6800E devices, so it was particularly important for Pico Technology to address it. […]
Reengineering the Oscilloscope for Embedded System Development
Enhancing performance without abandoning cost efficiency By Trevor J. Smith, Business Development Manager – T&M, Pico Technology As the application diversity and technical complexity of embedded systems development has exploded, the number of engineers working on new designs and the performance requirements of the lab equipment needed to verify their solutions has rapidly expanded as […]
PC-based scopes host smart interfaces to handle automotive apps
The new PicoScope 4425A and 4225A diagnostic oscilloscopes are available in four-channel and two-channel configurations. This latest diagnostic PicoScope design combines all the strengths of the existing 4425/4225 automotive scopes but adds smart interfaces for powered and intelligent accessories. The new accessory interface, called PicoBNC+, combines the standard BNC connector with active digital and power […]
USB scopes feature 5 GSa/sec sampling and 500 MHz bandwidth
Saelig Company, Inc. has introduced the PicoScope 6000E Series 8-channel 500-MHz Oscilloscopes, which provide 8 to 12 bits of vertical resolution, 5 GSa/sec sampling rate, and 4 GSa memory, allowing these scopes to display single-shot pulses with 200-psec time resolution. The two models in the 6000 series are the PicoScope 6804E with 8-bit A/D resolution […]
Economical real-time scopes carry high-rez 12-bit channels, 0.2 psec equivalent-time sampling
The PicoScope 9404-16 SXRTO is a 16-GHz sampler-extended real-time oscilloscope which extends the range of a preceding 5-GHz model. Designed to analyze repetitive or clock-derived signals, it features four high-resolution 12-bit channels driven by up to 5 TS/sec (0.2 psec) equivalent-time sampling (ETS). The wide-band inputs can accurately measure transitions as fast as 22 psec, […]
Improved PC-based data logging software works with USB data loggers
PicoLog 6 is a complete data acquisition software package. It provides a visual, easy-to-use interface for users to quickly set up simple or complex acquisitions, record, view and analyze data. Features include: Real-time data collection and display Visual logger and channel setup for easy configuration and viewing Available for Windows 7, 8 and 10 (32 […]
PC-based scopes combine real-time, equivalent-time sampling
The PicoScope 9400 Series is a new class of SXRTO oscilloscopes that combine the benefits of real-time sampling, equivalent-time sampling and high analog bandwidth. The PicoScope 9404 Series SXRTO oscilloscopes have four input channels up to 16 GHz with market-leading ADC, timing and display resolutions for accurately measuring and visualizing high-speed analog and data signals. […]
PC-based scope blends 5 GHz bandwidth and equivalent-time sampling
The PicoScope 9404-05 5GHz oscilloscope is a PC-based high-resolution device which brings an affordable high-speed performance by combining the benefits of real-time and equivalent-time sampling with high analog bandwidth. The PicoScope 9404-05 has four 5 GHz 50-Ω input channels, each with its own advanced 12-bit ADC, which provide the required timing and display resolution for […]
PC-controlled RF source for benchtop or modular use covers 8 GHz range
The PicoSource AS108 Agile Synthesizer is a PC-based signal generator with a 300 kHz to 8 GHz frequency output range. It is designed with fast settling time and extensive programmable phase, frequency, and amplitude capabilities. The AS108 offers professional performance qualities in static as well as parameter-varying applications. Its speed, external clock referencing, trigger capabilities, […]