SDS6062 is a two-channel benchtop scope with a 10MSa record length for each channel, allowing zooming capability for investigating fast, intermittent pulses. This low-cost scope samples at 500MSa/s and includes deep memory, external, video-capable trigger, auto-measurements, auto-scaling, large 8″ full color LCD display, XY mode, auto-set, averaging, math functions, USB output, waveform storage, pass/fail output and […]
USB DrDAQ — oscilloscope, data logger, IO board in one
Saelig ( has released Pico Technology’s ( USB DrDAQ — a data logger, IO board and oscilloscope in one compact device. Providing a remarkable collection of 15 I/O channels in a low-cost, compact package, the device is suitable for teachers, technicians and hobbyist. Its software delivers an easy-to-use oscilloscope with a bandwidth of 100 kHz […]
Saelig unveils Pico’s PS4227 USB oscilloscope
Saelig ( has introduced Pico Technology’s ( PS4227 Oscilloscope, which offers a real-time sampling rate of 250 MSa/s. This 100 MHz two-channel USB scope is ideal for general, field-service and scientific use. For repetitive signals in vibration, noise and mechanical analysis, the scope’s 12-bit resolution mode can be adjusted to achieve enhanced resolution mode of […]
Saelig unveils Xprotolab – the world’s smallest oscilloscope
Saelig ( has announced the release of Xprotolab, a mixed-signal oscilloscope which features an arbitrary waveform generator fitted in a tiny 1″ x 1.6″ DIP module. For in situ verification and testing, the oscilloscope can be mounted directly on a pcb or breadboard. The Xprotolab, which can be utilized as a development board for AVR’s […]