The SDS1104X-U four-channel 100-MHz oscilloscope is a lower priced, economy version of the very popular SDS1104X-E. Many excellent features have been retained, including the large 7-in TFT-LCD display and ergonomic front panel design, while economies have been made by removing the optional MSO and function generator upgrade capabilities, a reduced time-base resolution and vertical resolution, […]
Economical 7.5-GHz spectrum/VNA targets signal distortion, modulation, spectrum purity, frequency stability, crosstalk distortion parameters
The Siglent SVA1075X Spectrum/Vector Network Analyzer is a powerful tool with reliable automatic measurements for measuring the performance of RF circuits and networks such as amplifiers, filters, attenuators, cables, and antennas. With a wide frequency range from 9 kHz to 7.5 GHz, the SVA1015X analyzer delivers reliable automatic measurements with its built-in tracking generator and […]
PC-based automotive scope adds EV test diagnostics
The new PicoScope 4425A EV Oscilloscope Kit is designed to provide a comprehensive diagnostics capability for all types of vehicles with electric (BEV, MHEV, PHEV, Fuel-cell) and internal combustion (diesel, gasoline, LPG) powertrains. It provides service shops with a futureproof system for analyzing vehicles with high-voltage batteries and electric motor systems. In combination with the […]
New book covers EMC troubleshooting with test instruments
A valuable 180-page book called “Create Your Own EMC Troubleshooting Kit: Essential Tools for EMC Troubleshooting” by EMC guru Ken Wyatt is the first volume in Wyatt’s EMC troubleshooting series. It covers the benefits of creating a personal EMC troubleshooting kit and also defines which products to include. Individual chapters name suitable spectrum analyzers, near-field […]
RF signal generator puts out 500 mW
The Rigol DSG3000B RF Signal Generator series improves on the DSG3000 series, covering a frequency range of 9 kHz to 6.5 GHz or 13.6 GHz and includes IQ modulation variants. These HF signal sources have an amplitude accuracy of
Advanced 500-MHz scopes provide 1mV/div min input range, digital trigger system
The Teledyne Test Tools T3DSO2000A Oscilloscopes are available in two-channel and four-channel versions with analog bandwidths from 100bMHz to 500 MHz. Each model offers a maximum sample rate of 2 GSa/sec and a maximum memory depth of 200 Mpts in half-channel mode. The T3DSO2000A series employs a new generation of high-speed display technology that provides […]
Multifunctional 16-bit AWGs include synchronized digital pattern generation
The T3AWG2152 and T3AWG2152-D generators are multifunctional 150MHz arbitrary/sweep/function generators that combine multiple functions in a single instrument, including a two-channel function and arbitrary waveform generator with an eight-channel digital pattern generator (in the D version). These three different functionalities are based on an advanced Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS) technology which allows glitch-free on-the-fly changes […]
Line impedance stabilization network helps measure power-line-conducted interference
The TekBox TBL5016-2 is a Line Impedance Stabilization Network for the measurement of line-conducted interference within the range of 9 kHz to 30 MHz, according to the CISPR 16-1-2 standard. It has been designed for testing single-phase, ac-powered equipment that requires power to a maximum of 240 V and 16 A. Conducted noise can be […]
Two-port USB-controlled, lab-grade VNA operates from 300 kHz to 8.5 GHz
The Pico Technology PicoVNA 108 extends to 8.5 GHz the operating frequency range of the same-footprint PicoVNA 106 6 GHz instrument released three years ago. The new PicoVNA 108 fulfills user demand for “faster, more frequency range, more port power and dynamic range, and more functionality.” In addition to the PicoVNA 108’s extended range from […]
Benchtop, single-channel signal sources include 3, 6, and 12-GHz models
The Tabor Lucid LSxxx1B Series Analog RF Signal Generators are benchtop, single-channel signal sources with 3, 6, and 12 GHz models available. Featuring high power, fast switching speed, superior signal integrity and purity, removable memory card for maximum security, all the necessary modulated signals for analog communication systems, the Lucid Series is designed to meet […]