Pico Technology has released PicoScope 7.1.39 – the latest stable version of the software. The software adds features previously deployed in Early Access versions of the software, plus UX improvements, bug fixes and operating system compatibility updates. Additions in this version of the software include: Annotations for placing in-graph notes, along with arrows to highlight […]
PC-based Oscilloscopes - PCO
USB oscilloscopes add automotive 10Base-T1S protocol analysis
Pico Technology, a manufacturer of USB oscilloscopes, has added 10Base-T1S protocol analysis to software that operates the company’s line of USB oscilloscopes. That brings to 40 the number of serial protocols that the company supports. PicoScope 7 software is a free download. 10Base-T1S is a two-wire Ethernet standard that specifies a physical layer for automotive […]
Screenless oscilloscope fits 2U rack space
The MXO 5C screenless oscilloscope from Rohde & Schwarz comes in four or eight channels with 2 GHz bandwidth.
What’s the difference between a USB oscilloscope, spectrum analyzer, and digitizer?
USB oscilloscopes are highly versatile instruments. With the right software, they can perform functions usually reserved for spectrum analyzers and digitizers. In some cases, however, special instruments are needed for optimal results. This FAQ compares the functions of oscilloscopes, spectrum analyzers, and digitizers with USB interfaces. They are called USB devices because they connect to […]
What hardware accessories can you attach to a USB oscilloscope?
A wide range of hardware accessories are available for USB oscilloscopes. This FAQ reviews a few of the more popular options including a variety of probes plus wireless synchronization of multiple USB oscilloscopes and chassis that can combine and synchronize USB oscilloscopes with other instruments like arbitrary waveform generators and multimeters. Probes and more probes […]
What specialist software is available for USB oscilloscopes? part 2
This FAQ looks at software that can synchronize multiple oscilloscopes, perform mathematical functions, and transform a basic USB oscilloscope into multiple instruments. A USB oscilloscope consists of signal capture and conditioning electronics, a personal computer (PC) that can be a laptop, tablet, or desktop, plus PC software. The availability of application specialist software is a […]
What specialist software is available for USB oscilloscopes? part 1
USB oscilloscopes capture analog and digital signals. Through software, engineers can analyze protocols and logic signals. By adding a D/A converter, a USB oscilloscope can also become a waveform generator. A USB oscilloscope consists of the signal capture and conditioning electronics package, a personal computer (PC) that can be a laptop or tablet unit, or […]
What’s a USB oscilloscope?
By connecting to a computer, a USB oscilloscope lets engineers offload screens and compute-intensive functions to the host, which reduces needed bench space and brings portability. Oscilloscopes are sometimes grouped into three types, benchtop, portable, and USB. The first two types are self-contained, but USB oscilloscopes are not. They consist of the electronics that capture […]
Applying PC-based test & measurement instruments
For some features, PC-based scopes sport higher performance than similar benchtop instruments. Trevor Smith, Pico Technology The debugging and validation of electronic systems calls for versatile instruments with wide-ranging functions and easy programmability. An engineer working on high-speed logic signals one day might be called upon to run a long-duration soak test the following day […]
Test and measurement in education
Lab classes become much more meaningful when students can operate their own test instruments rather than watch an instructor turn knobs and push buttons. Paul Cracknell, Liquid Instruments Consider the typical EE lab in the average university. Labs must be outfitted with costly equipment to give students exposure to the breadth of measurements that characterize […]