Today, Liquid Instruments announced major updates for its flexible, FPGA-based Moku test and measurement products. The latest software release delivers numerous enhancements across the company’s three hardware products — from the flagship Moku:Pro to the workhorse Moku:Lab, and the portable Moku: Go — demonstrating the advantages of software-defined test equipment, which enables devices to get […]
Test and Measurement News
Emerson acquires NI: There goes another one
NI will now join the long list of T and M companies whose names we’ll see only online, on eBay, and at electronics flea markets. Product names such as LabVIEW should live on.
UWB automated tester receives FiRa certification
NI announces validation by the FiRa Consortium of its UWB PHY test solution. Device manufacturers can now use NI’s solution and chip designers to test the conformance of their ultra-wideband (UWB) automatically enabled products against version 1.3 of FiRa’s PHY specifications. UWB is useful for devices requiring low power, operating over a short range that can coexist with […]
Set up automatically measures/reports environmental conditions for cable/harness testing
An automation-ready cable and harness test system now has an environmental sensor option incorporating the Dracal PTH200 sensor. Of particular interest to medical and defense applications, this option provides automatic measurement and reporting of environmental test conditions (temperature, relative humidity, pressure) alongside electrical function data for the cable, harness, or backplane under test. This option […]
Can you tell the difference between an electrolytic and super capacitor?
If you disassemble an electrolytic capacitor and a supercapacitor, you might have trouble distinguishing differences between the two unless you had a practiced eye. Physically, the two can resemble each other though their electrical performance differs drastically. First a few basics. Ordinary capacitors, of course, are characterized by metal plates separated by a dielectric. In […]
PHY conformance test tool to support UWB development efforts
A FiRa-validated ultra-wideband (UWB) PHY Conformance Test Tool (PCTT) supports the further development of an open and standardized UWB ecosystem. With expertise and experience in wireless technology verification and certification, Rohde & Schwarz is well positioned to provide a test tool to support interoperability on the UWB physical layer as specified by FiRa. Thanks to […]
Can RF shock you?
Engineers know they’ll get a poke if they touch household ac wires. But RF current typically is not felt as electric shock because the frequency is too high to depolarize nerve membranes. However, RF current can cause both internal organ damage and surface radiation burns, so care must be taken to avoid high exposure. It’s […]
Audio measurements for product development
It pays to know the fundamental parameters that quantify the performance of sound equipment. By Daniel Knighten, Audio Precision Quantitative, objective audio measurements have a role to play not just during design validation and as a manufacturing quality control tool, but during all stages of product development . They even come in handy during the […]
Whatever happened to parallel interfaces?
Back in the early days of desktop personal computers, parallel interfaces were the norm rather than the exception. The parallel moniker refers to the way the data is sent; parallel ports send multiple bits of data simultaneously, as opposed to serial communication where bits pass one-at-a-time typically over a single connection. The rationale for parallel […]
Is there such a thing as a catenary antenna?
A conic section is formed by the intersection of a plane that cuts though a cone, usually with the circle at the top and the hyperbola at the bottom. Between them lie the ellipse and the parabola. The parabola has distinctive properties when rotated in space to make a concave surface. The parabola can be […]