IsoVu isolated current probes from Tektronix isolate oscilloscopes from circuits used for EVs, motors, and power converters. Trying to make shunt-based current measurements with a typical oscilloscope probe is essentially impossible. That’s because one side of the probe connects to ground through the instrument. Using an ungrounded power cord is anything but safe. Differential probes […]
power sensing
How to determine noise figure: part 2
The relationship between noise and temperature prompted a precursor of the IEEE to promulgate an alternative definition of noise figure in 1959. In part 1 of this series, we described the work of the Danish-American radio engineer Harald Friis, who described noise factor F of a device or system as the ratio of the input-power […]
How to use remote sensing for DC programmable power supplies
In this FAQ, you’ll learn how to know if your test application needs sensing and how to properly wire a power supply to a load. Calibrating certain sensing circuits, such as those used in electric vehicles (EVs), is critical to get right. An inaccurate calibration of an automotive battery monitoring circuit could, for example, allow […]
What are the critical measurements in satellite uplinks and downlinks?
Noise measurement, LO substitution, receiver stress testing, power measurement, CCDF and PAPR characterization, and antenna-pattern measurement play critical roles in link budget, bit-error rate, and SNR requirements.
USB power sensor characterizes Wi-Fi 6 devices
The Boonton RTP5008 Real-Time Peak USB Power Sensor enables characterization of Wi-Fi 6 devices in the newly allocated 6-GHz band (5.925 to 7.125 GHz). The RTP5008 offers industry-leading performance with wide video bandwidth, fast rise times, fine time resolution, narrow minimum pulse widths, high pulse repetition rates, and superior measurement reading rates. The RTP5008 can […]
Micro-Measurements releases Advanced Sensors Technology CEA and EA
Micro-Measurements, a Vishay Precision Group (NYSE: VPG) brand, announced the successful integration of Advanced Sensors Technology in its new CEA-Series and EA-Series strain gages. Designed for general purpose, static and dynamic stress analysis, the new CEA and EA strain gage sensors are ideally suited for a broad range of applications including structural health monitoring, autonomous vehicles, […]
Lasers and how to measure their output
Laser is an acronym for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation. Lasers, of course, started out as comprised of discrete components. The most basic laser consists of a cylinder containing the lasing medium, a material that emits light when exposed to an outside source of energy. The gain medium can be gas, liquid, solid […]
Tunnel diode detectors cover 100 MHz to 26 GHz, feature fast pulse response risetimes
A new product line of coaxial packaged tunnel diode detectors are candidates for prototype and proof-of-concept applications used in aerospace and defense, military and commercial radar, test and measurement, SATCOM applications and more. Pasternack’s comprehensive offering includes 26 models of tunnel diode detectors that feature rugged Germanium planar construction and operate over octave and broadband […]